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Training provided by KCL e-Research

e-Research runs training courses to teach fundamental scientific computing skills that will help users effectively use the resources we provide. These include introductory courses on how to use the command line and how to use the CREATE HPC, introduction to programming in Python and R, and more advanced topics like version control with git. In the future we aim to also offer intermediate programming courses covering topics like unit testing, continuous integration, and creating software packages. Our workshops use a mixture of custom training materials we have developed and existing training materials created by groups like The Carpentries.

Our training workshops are advertised through our mailing list, which you can join via the e-Research Portal. We can sometimes offer workshops for a specific group or department, or develop new training materials to meet a specific need - get in touch via for more information.

Upcoming workshops

22nd & 24th July - Software Carpentry: Introduction to Programming with Python

13th August - Introduction to HPC