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Compute Nodes

Please note: depending on server configuration, 2 to 4 CPU cores can be reserved for a nodes' operating system and to ensure SLURM can run without issue.

General use nodes

Partition Nodes CPU cores GPUs Group Restriction
gpu 19 856 52 none
long_gpu 2 136 6 as needs basis, see policy
cpu 33 4224 - none
long_cpu 5 640 - as needs basis, see policy
interruptible_cpu 73 4672 - none, see policy

Departmental/Faculty nodes

Partition Nodes CPU cores GPUs Group Restriction
nmes_gpu 8 576 32 er_dpt_nmes
mathematics_cpu 2 256 - er_dpt_mathematics
biomed_a30_gpu 2 96 16 er_grp_biomed_hpc
biomed_a100_gpu 4 512 32 er_grp_biomed_hpc

Standard node specifications

These are the standard specifications of our compute nodes available to all users. The gpu partition contains some additional A100s in nodes of other specifications.

Nodes CPU GPU Memory Partition
33 128 - 1024GB cpu
10 36 4 x nvidia A100 40GB, w/ NVLink 512GB gpu