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The e-Research Portal

Basic usage

The home page for all users looks very similar with the main menu showing three sections.

Links to the portal home page and e-Research Documentation


Links to visible groups a user is a member of


  1. Groups - information about available groups in the portal; users can apply to groups they think they should be a member of
  2. SSH - ssh public keys used to access CREATE HPC are added here (and can be revoked)
  3. MFA - Approve (or revoke) a connection from a new IP address (or from an IP address that has not been confirmed for a week) using either OpenVPN or SSH
  4. VPN - Create (or revoke) an OpenVPN key (config file) ti import to OpenVPN (or Tunnelblick on a Mac)
  5. Mailing Lists - available e-Research mailing lists; users can subscribe for latest news and training opportunity updates

Group administration

Users privileges can be elevated for groups they are members of to Admin, Maintainer or Developer.

When visiting one of their group pages, users with raised permissions will see tabs at the top of the group page and some different buttons that allow them to perform tasks standard group members are not able to.


A Wiki is being built that can be directly edited from group pages - Developers will be able to edit the Wiki (and so see the additional tab on the group landing page).


Maintainers edit the Wiki and admit other users into the group either by accepting a request or directly adding them using a k-number or email address. A history of additions and deletions can be seen in the Audit Log. Maintainers can also manage WordPress blogs attached to the group.


Admins can do everything that Maintainers can do as well as remove users from a group and, if the group has been tagged as a project during the initial setup, can edit the group description and change permissions for other group members. Admins can also add standard website resources.

Adding users

By selecting the Access tab on the group home page Maintainers or Admins can see a list of group members. There are also buttons to "Add user" or "Bulk add users". A k-number or email address can be used to add a single user; only k-numbers can be used to bulk add users.


Please note that updates to groups may take up to 24 hours to fully propagate.