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Requesting a CREATE account

The CREATE facilities are free at the point of use to King’s, SLaM BRC1 and GSTT BRC2 research staff and students. For more details regarding eligibility please see the section further down this page.


Only King’s, GSTT BRC or SLaM BRC staff members may submit requests for CREATE access. Requests for student and external collaborator accounts must be made by their supervising member of King’s or BRC staff.

A user account is allocated 50GiB for /users and 200GiB for /scratch/users. For an account please email with:

CREATE HPC account

  • The principle field of research the CREATE HPC facilities are likely to be used for
  • The name of any existing CREATE projects that the account should be affiliated with

For users that wish to collaborate, need more storage than provided in their account or have a need for CREATE Cloud or CREATE Web facilities we would ask them to request a project and submit a project registration to

More details about the types of storage available can be found here.

Project registration

We ask projects to register in order to helps us track the research impact of the facility. For each project requested we need:

Project registration data

  • Name for the project
  • Short description of the research project
  • Funding body
  • Principal Investigator
  • List of members: List of individuals (please include email address and k-number) that will have a read/write access to the share.
  • Whether the project requires CREATE HPC, CREATE Cloud or CREATE Web resources
  • What the expected data storage requirements for the project are (see quotas).
  • Lifetime: The amount of time after which the share can be expired, and the data stored expunged.
  • Confirmation that the project is not processing sensitive data or personal identifiable information (PII)
  • Trusted Research Environments (TREs) to handle sensitive data/PII are due to be launched in Q3/4 of 2022


If your project requires RDS storage, registering for RDS (at will collect the above information and it does not need to be sent separately. You will receive a welcome email with a link to request further services (HPC scratch etc) to be added to the project. For more information on RDS documentation check here.



Any King’s research staff member, or researchers working directly for or funded by either GSTT and SLaM BRCs are eligible for CREATE access.


BRC staff must also have a King’s account in order to use the system. If you are a BRC staff member but do not have a King’s account (e.g. because you only have a NHS account), you may need to request an affiliate account (see collaborators).


All King’s research and some taught students are eligible for CREATE access.


  • PhD student access should be requested by academic supervisors
  • Taught student access is permitted in cases where they are contributing to an existing King's research project, the access should be requested by the project's Principal Investigator (PI)

Supervising staff requesting student account(s) should email with the details of the student(s) (please include email address and k-number) and the project(s) they need to be given access to.


CREATE accounts can be created for collaborators working at other institutions. King’s and BRC research staff running projects which need external collaborator access will need to first request a King’s affiliate account for any external collaborator. Once this account is active, the King’s or BRC project lead should email with the affliliate account details and justification of resource information.


Affiliate accounts are usually created with a limited lifespan. You will need to renew these, if needed, directly with King’s IT. Once created, it is not necessary to renew the account status on CREATE.

Terms of use

Before requesting an account, please read the terms of use — in requesting an account and accessing the system, it is implied that you agree to the terms of use as stated. This is especially important for supervisors or members of staff who are responsible for student or collaborator accounts.

  1. NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Guy’s & St Thomas′ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London 

  2. NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King’s College London